In corrosion protection for shipbuilding, deep cleaning of all metal surfaces, leaving no remaining residues, is the basis of effective cleaning measures to prevent premature material damage and the consequent costly repairs that are often needed due to weather and environmental influences, chemical residues or simple pitting corrosion from areas that have already rusted. This applies to both internal and external areas.
Over many years, we have acquired the expertise to carry out individual cleaning and pre-treatment measures for all types of ship, taking into account the ship type, goods to be transported and statutory regulations.
What we can offer you on the subject of shipping
As a matter of principle, all of the surfaces and metal components on a ship should undergo regular professional cleaning, along with the routine cleaning carried out by ship personnel. This includes paint removal and sanding plus sandblasting and high-pressure and ultra-high pressure cleaning.
These methods, combined with suitable corrosion protection, support longevity and operational safety. The technical aspects of statutory and insurance requirements are also met by preventing slips and trips by ensuring that floors, staircases and crossings are clean and free from residues. We have all the necessary machines and devices required for all of these applications. We can carry out all of the work either on site at your premises or at Neue Ruhrorter Schiffswerft in Duisburg, as required.
Hold cleaning
Independent of routine cleaning measures such as after unloading and changing the transport medium, the holds of every type of ship must be subject to thorough, professional cleaning on a regular basis through paint removal, sanding, sandblasting or high-pressure cleaning. This is the only way to ensure that all impurities are removed without leaving any residues. This applies both to open holds and closed storage systems such as ballast and drinking water tanks. After the traces of weather, environmental influences, chemical residues or rust have been removed, suitable corrosion protection coatings can be applied to the cleaned metal surfaces.
Here too, you can rely on our years of experience with regard to ship type, goods to be transported and statutory regulations. We carry out all of the work either on site at your premises or at Neue Ruhrorter Schiffswerft in Duisburg, using the relevant machines and devices.
Fire damage
Independent of routine cleaning measures such as after unloading and changing the transport medium, the holds of every type of ship must be subject to thorough, professional cleaning on a regular basis through paint removal, sanding, sandblasting or high-pressure cleaning. This is the only way to ensure that all impurities are removed without leaving any residues. This applies both to open holds and closed storage systems such as ballast and drinking water tanks. After the traces of weather, environmental influences, chemical residues or rust have been removed, suitable corrosion protection coatings can be applied to the cleaned metal surfaces.
Here too, you can rely on our years of experience with regard to ship type, goods to be transported and statutory regulations. We carry out all of the work either on site at your premises or at Neue Ruhrorter Schiffswerft in Duisburg, using the relevant machines and devices.
Paint removal
The life of a ship is comparatively long. During this time, the ship is often “freshened-up” with coat after coat of paint. This has sometimes been carried out with paint that, from today’s perspective and legal position, falls into the category of “hazardous waste”.
We have the technology and the expertise to remove even multiple coats of paint without leaving any residues and to dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner.
Tank coating
A long-lasting, corrosion-resistant coating of the ship’s tank is becoming an increasingly important aspect for the environment and, consequently, also for human beings. Dealing with tanks and containers responsibly through regular maintenance and effective yet environmentally friendly coating systems are an important contribution to environmental protection. As an owner, you can, in effect, reduce your costs considerably, whilst avoiding unnecessary idle periods and downtime.
As a competent solutions partner, we are the right choice when it comes to the cleaning and corrosion protection of tank equipment. This applies to the interior protection of tanks and containers, e.g. for flammable liquids, chemicals and contaminated water. We also carry out corrosion protection measures for our customers that do not present health hazards for liquid and powdered food, drinks and drinking water, cereals, flour and sugar. Get in touch with us. Together we will find the best corrosion protection for your application and the requirements associated with it.
Preservation measures increase the longevity of a ship and all of its metal fittings and superstructure, both inside and outside. Viewed in the long term, scheduled maintenance intervals reduce the owner’s costs as it helps avoid unplanned downtime.
With regard to preservation measures, these days we must consider the ever-increasing importance of treating the environment and material resources responsibly and being aware of the associated statutory regulations.
For this reason, we work in close collaboration with the leading manufacturers of highly specialised, application-related preservation components, such as paint and powder coatings. They have solution systems for every internal and external application from chemical or combustible tanks right up to protective measures that do not present health hazards for the transportation and storage of foodstuffs.
Get in touch with us. Together we find a long-lasting, corrosion-resistant coating for your application – from plants in an aggressive, industrial environment to nautical settings that are subject to often extreme environmental and weather influences.

We are the high-performance partner for winch construction. corrosion protection.
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