Concrete restoration
Concrete and steel concrete constructions have a wide range of very different requirements when it comes to corrosion protection. Not only are the objects exposed to the elements and environmental pollution, they must also withstand extreme strains such as increased traffic and the vibrations associated with it, heavy loads and other influences that are harmful to concrete. This applies to industrial as well as hydraulic engineering.
Corrosion protection measures in the form of cleaning by exposing defective reinforced constructions, carrying out repairs and sealing are the proven methods for increasing and extending the safety of concrete constructions.
As seasoned specialists in corrosion protection we can also offer our strengths in this segment and our associated service package. We would be happy to explain this to you in depth.
what we can offer you on the subject of concrete renovation
Hydraulic engineering
In the hydraulic engineering area, we have specialised primarily in corrosion protection in the form of extension and restoration work on canals, docks and artificially fixed floors on inland waterway transport lanes. This also includes other stationary or semi-stationary objects like pontoon dredgers, stilt-mounted pontoons, hopper barges, work platforms and sheet pile walls.
In particular, these stationary or semi-stationary objects must be cleared of mussels every 5 – 8 years. Along with “scraping off” the mussel layer professionally, we also handle its disposal as biological waste in an environmentally friendly way.
In hydraulic engineering, our customers can, as usual, rely on the entire service range in the planning and execution of these projects with corrosion protection methods. Our specialists in hydraulic engineering, steel construction and structural engineering have the relevant expertise and the entire range of modern process technology at their disposal.
Bridge and tunnel engineering
Bridges made of concrete/steel concrete are exposed to multiple stresses in the form of general environmental influences such as humidity, damp, heat and cold, wind, snow and ice loads. Added to this are heavy vibrations caused by traffic volume, the use of gritting salt, rock falls and much more. All of these factors accelerate the ageing process and make regular restoration, combined with effective corrosion protection methods, necessary.
The basis for long-lasting bridge renovation is professional high-pressure and ultra-high pressure cleaning, to reveal the damage, analyse it and, at the same time, prepare for repairs to be made. We are also competent partners in this area with many years of practical experience. Examples of projects we have completed include the Cologne-Frankfurt ICE route and the renovation of the Elbe Tunnel.
Industrial Floors
When renovating concrete industrial floors, their special requirements must be considered right from the cleaning and associated floor-preparation stages. This is because these days, even industrial floors must fulfil a series of statutory criteria with regard to safety standards (fire protection, preventing slips and trips etc. …) and environmental regulations (materials, soundproofing, floor density etc.).
These requirements encompass not just the disposal of worn-out concrete parts in an environmentally friendly manner, but also floor cleaning, such as treating the cleaning water before feeding it into the waste water system. We have a great wealth of experience in this area, with our water treatment plant that we developed in the nineties and have continued to improve ever since, in addition to assured and appropriate project management, which guarantees you short construction times.
No matter how durable the material, corrosion damage appears in the long term even on concrete buildings on the inner and outer reinforcements, as well as on the substance itself. At this point, it is time to carry out restorations and provide long-term corrosion protection.
We support our customers in carrying out preparatory measures (high-pressure and ultra-high pressure cleaning, removal of dilapidated sections of building materials, exposure of damage on the inner reinforcements etc.) in structural and civil engineering, tunnel and canal engineering, amongst other areas.

We are the high-performance partner for winch construction. corrosion protection.
Du you have any questions about our service?